well.. I am the old fool who bought the yellow terror..

had to drive it home in the dark and pouring down rain.. OH .. and NO BRAKES!!

one of these days I am going back up to Oskarshamn and kick Grim in the sack..

so far I have changed the master cylinder ..front brake pads and completely replaced the brake fluid.. and am looking for the front coil springs, so I can lift the front up again.. Hopefully before Friday.. come friday I have a front wheel adjustment .. both front tires were bald on the inside... guessing toe out

also I have changed that black thing in the motor

and the motor is leaking water from the motor heater plug in .. think it would be best to replace that with a freezer plug..
hope you guys can read what I have written ..

P.S: Grim... please remove my cars picture from your profile